Ladies, Read on: The Truth about the Birds and the Bees (Part II)
The good news is, even though almost every man put a paramount importance on looks, different guys have different physical standards for beauty (albeit the degree of difference between what’s considered hot and what’s considered not is quite narrow because there exists a universal “guideline” to evaluate physical beauty in women). The even better news is that it is possible to offset the male’s emphasis on looks by banking on other qualities, such as personality, talent, fame and money. The ease of the substitution largely depends on the individual males.

But don’t get me wrong, a lot guys still put so much emphasis on the physical. If you have got the right looks and bodies, you could have won more than half the battles in winning most guys’ hearts. Yet, don’t mistake having the right “equipments” as a guarantee that you will win the war, for even if you have won 60% of the battle simply because of your looks, you can still lose 80% of it due to a massive lack of the other positive human virtues. Even though physical beauty is important, it is NOT the only quality men seek in women.
The best news is, I firmly believe that virtually every woman can look a LOT better than they currently do if they would simply try. It is simply amazing how much cosmetic technology has advanced. Problem is, a lot of women don’t even bother to try. And then they accuse us, men, of being shallow. It’s not our fault. We can’t help it. We don’t have any choice but to feel initial attraction to beautiful and sexy women. It is our wiring. Its built-in. We are helpless. We are also the victim of this tendency. Call us dogs. Call us pigs. It won’t change anything.
So ladies, please don’t try to fight it. Work around it. And truth be told, as long as a girl is above a certain standard of attractiveness (e.g. when most guys can say she is cute or attractive), the importance of looks will diminish greatly, and then it’s all about the personality and intelligence. And I think most women can certainly be considered attractive if only they would simply TRY.
Moral of the story: I hope the message is loud and clear. Ladies, beautify yourselves. Wear nice clothes. Accesorize. Study fashion. Visit your favorite beauty salon. Get yourself a manicure, pedicure, facial, etc. Wear perfumes. Use make up. Slim down, Work out. Sculpt your bodies. Take up aerobics, Pilates, Yoga, Tae-bo, and don’t forget to take a shower afterwards. Try to look as pretty as you can. After you have realized all your potential for physical beauty, maximize all other positive non-physical qualities. Be miss congeniality. Be as sweet as the Little Red Riding Hood. Be compassionate. Be sensitive. Be seductive. Be a millionaire. Be famous for curing AIDS. Be a celebrity. Win the Nobel Prize. I think I represent most guys when I say that we appreciate ladies who actually try and put the extra mile to be as pretty and as best as they can be. Most of us notice the extra effort and we value that highly. You can really score major brownie points here.
Guys, did I miss anything else? If I did, feel free to add in on the comments section. If there are some of you who would like to write me hate mails, please do so at the comments sections. Or if there are any ladies who want to thank me or send me love notes (only ladies are eligible to send love notes, guys are encouraged to express their admiration and gratuity in other forms), please do so as well.
Blazing Redfish