"It is not how you pick your nose that counts, it is where you stick the booger"

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The Tao of Nose Picking… It will never be the same again

This is another one of those times when I am deeply immersed in my deep, world-shattering philosophical thought. The rest of the world is no longer relevant to me. But unlike last time, this time I was not taking a dump. Instead, I am doing something more constructive: picking my nose.

This activity never fails to clear my nasal cavity by eradicating the icky and sometimes sticky obstacles (but if you choose to engage in this satisfying yet addictive activity, please don’t wipe it on your shirt). This makes me a better man. I can now breathe fuller, more voluminous pollution-laden air, thereby sucking in more air-borne car fumes, dust, spit, chunks of dead insects, dog poopie and other unmentionables that saturate our fresh air, un-impended by the previously removed obstacles. Graphic, eh? Please kindly try not to think about it next time you breathe.

The next question that would naturally surface is what should you do with the loot (aka. mr. booger). I have a firm, non-negotiable policy, never to wipe it on my shirt. We all know, at some point during our childhood there exists a phase where we used to feed ourselves with these sticky stuff (and don’t you dare play righteous and prude with me, I know you’ve done it). Some people would liken the taste of it to that of the most expensive of caviar. Regardless of where you decide to land your catch, we all should engage in this activity more often. Collectively, we can make the world a better place.

Blazing Redfish


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This relaxing activity will soon immerse you with the rest of the universe. When I pick my nose, it's only me and my bugger. Btw, getting caught by someone you're approaching while you're picking your nose is not the best feeling in the world.

10:14 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Redfish, Bravo! You sucessfully created a post that is truly funny (at least I think so). Managed to connect current state of world with nose picking and its loot. Btw, I dont think everyone know what is in the air that they inhale, because not everyone is good with biology (for example, me). Somtimes the analysis can only be done from the color of the loot.

I used to think, whenever I go home from school (during Junior High school), I took a shower and clean my nose and when I took a look... the color of the loot was greyish black. I guessed it was the air pollution (from public transportation), so the dust must have all went in. Including the black vehicle fumes! Which shows that the air we breathe is not clean, full of pollution and dirty.

But what can we do? Plant more trees, reduce the number of vehicles? People should walk more instead of riding cars all the time...

About tasting the booger, every little kid must have done that.... Salty hehehe

10:24 AM

Blogger Domain of the Blazing Redfish said...

Oh yes. When you are in the middle of a crowded train, happilly and vigorously (like there is no tomorrow kind of vigor) picking your nose, people are bound to notice. And then your eyes met. Then you can see the unspeakable terror and disgust on their faces. Then they tried to look away. You smiled contently. It was indeed the greatest feeling. Then you continue to spend more intimate bonding time with mr. booger.

Btw Vinna, I admire your courage. Even I dont dare to describe in graphic details about the physical apperances of the stuff that came out of my nose. You truly are the grandmaster of nose picking and have far surpassed me in this art form.

10:29 AM


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