"It is not how you pick your nose that counts, it is where you stick the booger"

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Thanks for the Comments

For those of you who have commented on my posts: I really appreciate all your comments. You are all justified in sleeping well at night. Some of you leave very insightful comments that have spurred interesting discussions between us. For those of you who somehow discovered this blog by other means besides my constant attempt to either persuade, cajole, bribe or coerce you to leave comments, here’s my chance to convert you: Please leave comments. I am sure some of my posts either engage your intellectual capacity or entertain you in some way. Often times, the posts also makes you think about rather “philosophical” issues or strike some strong feelings within you. Let us know what you think by leaving comments; make your presence known.

By leaving comments, you guys will not make me feel like a lunatic talking to myself. Rather, you will make me feel like a lunatic talking to an audience. The latter is far superior to the first. So, if my three-minute attempt at persuasion works, please leave your comments in English. Since some of the people that read this blog do not understand Bahasa Indonesia, only in dire life and death circumstances should you leave comments in Bahasa. They have communicated interests to partake in the discussions.

Thanks in advance,

Blazing Redfish


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Redfish,

Why do we have to write our comments in English all da time? wat about me? im not really good in English. Who knows maybe I can express or explain it better in bahasa?

2:40 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

However, wat u say in ur blog is mostly true. It has stick on my thoughts, day n nite, specially the one with the title “The truth about the birds and the bees.” It helps me to change few things and em… my changing has been recognized by my colleagues. That’s a good thing, rite? hehehe

3:31 PM

Blogger Domain of the Blazing Redfish said...

Ummm... just "mostly" true? Hehe kidding, kidding. Thanks a lot for reading and commenting. And even more for liking it. Wow, it never even crossed my mind that someone would find my rambling helpful... Well, seems like you are doing fine with the english. But if you are not comfortable, lets find a middle ground. Just for you, you can express in Singlish instead, since your singlish is way better than mine...

4:44 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

thank you for your understanding redfish. i believe i will learn more useful vocabulary and loads of important thing through your blog.

my singlish is better than yours? no lar! wakakakaka

8:52 AM

Blogger Domain of the Blazing Redfish said...

gw gak bisa singlish gitu kok...

9:53 AM


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