"It is not how you pick your nose that counts, it is where you stick the booger"

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Tales from the Other World: Tell Us What You Think

When I was a little boy, I was so afraid of the dark. My early childhood was scarred with countless other-worldly tales (aka. ghost stories), mostly told to me by my various babysitters. I now think that legislators should pass an international law requiring certain psychological testing for people intending to be baby sitters. When I was 7, my next door neighbor bought a parrot which made non-stop infernal noises at night. I then proceeded to think that it was my dead dog, calling me to join him from beyond the grave. That left me mentally scarred. For two weeks, I was too scared to take a dump by myself. An escort had to be present in the room at all time when I do my business. Then when I was 8, my mom took me to the morgue to see a dead body from a traffic accident. His eyes were wide open, staring blankly at me. I was then mentally scarred again for another three weeks.

Long before I was born, my mom had to live in an old house in a military compound all by herself. There was no electricity in the house. She was only accompanied by her Shetland Sheep dog. Everyone in the compound feared the house. It was a haunted house. She had to keep changing maids because very few of them could last more than a week. Most of them cried hysterically in the morning because they heard laugher, cries, footsteps, knocks at night. Strangely, my mom never hears or sees anything. Everyone around her was dumbfounded, and concluded that she must have a “gift”.

In high school, when we were out on vacation, my maid insisted that for two nights straight she was strangled by a Gendoruwo (a huge, local Indonesian ghosts) in our living room and had to read two holy verses from the Koran (Islam’s holy book). I decided to get to know this Gendoruwo. I sat alone at night in the living room, lights off with the tv on. An hour passed by. I managed to prove the existence of a new strain of rabid, possessed mosquitoes that only feed in the dark, but not of the Gendoruwo.

Regardless, every country has its own version of local ghosts. Every town and every university have their own “haunted” buildings. If ghosts are ghosts, then how come there are different species of them, based on their geographic locations? I used to think that there is a certain mechanism governing what kind of ghosts a person can be, based on her citizenship, because if she is an American, then she can be a banshee or a vampire, but not a Sundel Bolong. Certainly, a Tuyul has never been seen in the US, has it?

Yet, the Catholic Church and almost every religion believe in ghosts. The Pope assigned a committee in every country, in charge of performing the holy rite of Exorcism (a Catholic ceremony to get rid of the demon that possessed a person, just like in the movie Exorcist). In Singapore, there are places that offer “Ghostbusting” services. Some claimed to be affiliated with Buddhism, and other with Taoism. Singapore Paranormal Investigators have attempted to explore the existence of Kuntilanak, using rather sophisticated technology: http://www.spi.com.sg/

Despite the controversy, what do you guys think? Are there ghosts out there? Do you have any theories regarding their existence? If you have any encounters with one (or more) please share with us.

Blazing Redfish


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow.. hen, tulisan loe bagus bgt (g muji ini jujur dari hati g). well actually g pna bahas ini ama tmen g jg, knp kuntilanak ato sindel bolong ato pocong cm ada di indo, sdangkan di western gak ada. jawabannya adalah krn klo kita mempercayai bahwa sesuatu ada, itu akan terdoktrin di pikiran kita. misalnya custom di suatu daerah mempercayai bahwa ada pocong, nah org2 itu pasti akan sering liat pocong, krn mreka dah terdoktrin oleh pikiran2 nenek moyank mreka. klo pndpt g sih bgitu.

3:32 PM

Blogger Domain of the Blazing Redfish said...

So jadi kalo lu bilang hantu itu sebenernya cuman ada di pikiran kita doang? Jadi artinya gak ada bener2 dong di real world (only in our imaginary world). Nah trus kalo gitu knp most major religion kok bisa sampe nyediain upacara2 keagamaan buat ngusir setan (eg exorcism)?

And also, tengkiu ya komennya.

3:40 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

nah itu dia yg g gak bisa jawab wakakakkaa matik d g. tar d g ngomong ama pastor kenalan g dulu. tar klo jawabannya dah ada g komen lagi yak. wkakakakaka sama2 hen, gak usah sungkan ama g, basi ah! wakkakakaa

3:41 PM

Blogger Domain of the Blazing Redfish said...

and also kan kalo di western world orang mati tu gak dibungkus kaen kaya disini... so gimana bisa jadi pocong dong?

Ayo2 siapa lagi ni yg mau ikutan diskusi ini??? silakan, monggo2...

3:43 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

errr. gne hen, g jd inget, roh yg diusir ama pastor2 itu adalah roh jahat. roh kegelapan, klo roh2 kyk gto, kan itu juga ada di kitab suci agama. nah sdangkan sindel bolong ato pocong mreka gak pna ganggu dalam arti masuk ke badan kita mengalahkan roh yg ada dalam tubuh kita, dia sifatnya lbh nakut2in gto lho.pikiran kita yg bikin kita takut.

g pna liat kok pngusiran roh jahat (since g adalah karismatik person). roh itu ada di dlm tubuh kita, bukannya smthng yg aneh2.

3:47 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

loh jadi roh jahat sama roh pocong bedanya apa dong? sama aja kan?

3:49 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

kamu jangan pernah ngomong2 setan ya, nanti saya datengin sampean. hihihihihihihih

3:50 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Halo pocong...
bole kenalan gak? Ih jangan gitu dong, belum kenal kok dah colek2...

3:53 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

wakakakakak pocong ama genderuwo genit d. anyway, roh jahat itu kan bisa membentuk apa aja, sesuai pikiran kita. tp g gak pna mrasa roh jahat itu kliatan. spt g blg, pikiran kita yg membentuk dia.

3:55 PM

Blogger Cee~ said...

Percayalah kalo hantu itu ada. Kalo nggak, orang2 yang bisa liat makhluk2 halus itu liat apa dong kalo bukan hantu?

2:24 AM

Blogger Domain of the Blazing Redfish said...

Apakah menurut anda2 sekalian roh jahat , roh kegelapan (kok kaya di komik ya) dan hantu (sundel bolong, kuntilanak, pocong, tuyul, kolor ijo)itu sama?

Eh iya, kalo si kolor ijo yg dulu bikin geger itu cerita apa si? Ada yg tau gak?

Trus, orang2 yg ngakunya bisa liat mahluk halus kan belum tentu bisa liat beneran... bisa juga ngibul. Dan kalaupun gak ngibul, belum tentu yg dia liat mahluk halus beneran. Bisa juga cuman halusinasi atau some kind of mental disorder...

Atau mungkin juga lagi liat si Aming tuh. Kmaren gw liat di tivi gila kok serem amat. Genderuwo jg takut tuh

10:26 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

eeeee..... setan itu ada loh... beneran!! kalo kata g c.... n g juga perna ketakutan gara2 itu... perna denger crita Mr gepeng?? haha... g perna ikutan nelp itu setan... isenk gitu ma tmn2... padahal kita ga sebut nama,,,tapi yg ditelp bisa tau nama kita smua... dia sebutin satu2 boo!! trus katanya ntar mlm mo didatengin...langsung takut n kita tutup tlpnya... begitu mlm... ternyata beneran lo.. tapi kayanya tu Mr gepeng sala alamat... dia malah ngeganggu cc g.. haha slamat g... katanya c,.... cc g ngedenger suara anak nangis di kmr mandi (katanya anaknya mr gepeng mati di kmr mandi) trus... ada suara kaki... orang nyapu... n yg trakhir.. ada yg niup2 gt di kupingnya cc g... nah... setan tu beneran ada...untung waktu itu dia sala orang... hehe///

trus... mmm setau g.... roh jaat itu ya... iblis... roh roh jaat yg kaga suka kalo kita tu deket ma Tuhan... tapi kalo setan semacam pocong dll c.. cuek mereka... kerjaannya cm gangguin orang.. haha/////

eee.... aming tu fav g lo... kalo liat dia bisa ngakak... wakakakkaka... mukanya itu lo... palagi waktu joget n jadi bences... wakakkakakakak.....

12:19 AM

Blogger Domain of the Blazing Redfish said...

hahaha ini beneran apa becanda si? kok hantu punya telpon si? trus bisa salah alamat pula yak? temen2 lu yg laen didatengin jg gak? aduu kalo cuman lo doang pasti karena lo nya waktu nelpon kecentilan de hehe

12:27 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

iiii kurank kerjaan bgt kecentilan ma setan... hiyyyyyy...... hoho... tmn2 g mah uda tidur mbil dekepin alkitab n ditemenin.. kayanya ga diganggu dhe.. hauhauhauhua....

12:53 AM

Blogger Cee~ said...

katanya hantu gak peduli mo deket ama Tuhan ato nggak, tetep aja hobinya mengganggu. Tapi kok temen2 lo yang tidur meluk alkitab gak didatengin, berarti gak cuek juga dong...

3:31 AM

Blogger Domain of the Blazing Redfish said...

iya deh. tuh temen2 lu yg sama2 iseng ga digangguin. Cuman lu doang kan? huahaha. Emang lu tidurnya sambil ngedekepin apa si?

eh mr. gepeng yg gw tau si di jakarta banyak loh, terutama di perempatan jalan. Apalagi menjelang puasa. Dan mrk dikejer2 terus sama polisi. Mrk pada ngumpul semua di perempatan2 di Jakarta. Lo orang pada tau gak?

10:18 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Itu sih Kaki Lima. Namanya kedengaran lebih serem dari Mr. Gepeng men. Untung mereka baek2 ama manusia2. G denger makhluk halus itu bukan rohnya manusia, yang ada cuma setan2 anak buahnya Lucifer doang. Bukannya roh2 manusia cuma akan dibangkitkan waktu akhir zaman?

Loe udah nonton Exorcism of Emily Rose gak? Abis nonton itu g ketakutan ndiri jam 3 pagi

11:38 AM

Blogger Domain of the Blazing Redfish said...

Hahahahahaha bagus tuh film... tapi kayanya horor yg paling serem yg gw perna nonton so far si The grudge tuh. Remake dari film jepang Ju On. Film aslinya jelek banget. Tapi remakenya keren bok. Serem pula. Lu nonton deh.

2:52 PM


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