"It is not how you pick your nose that counts, it is where you stick the booger"

Monday, September 18, 2006

This is why sometimes I can’t sleep at night…

This is why sometimes I can’t sleep at night. Not because I am afraid of the dark, but mostly because my puny little mind won’t shut up. Despite my constant military style attempts to bark orders to put it to sleep, my mind has its own will. And it likes to just keep turning its wheel full speed late at night. Maybe it wants to try to discover the secrets of the universe that no man has ever unveiled. Maybe it is trying hard to figure out which great leader I was in my previous life (some evidences support the hypothesis that at some point I was Kubilai Khan). Maybe it is working hard to bring my dream of world domination closer to fruition. Or maybe, simply because I just had to take a leak, but too much of a lazy ass to just get up and do it. Who knows.

Regardless. I think I owe it to the world to share my mildly (just mildly, mind you) retarded ramblings, whatever thoughts or parts of distant memories that my pea-sized brain decides to play. Yes, the world deserves to hear my important thoughts.

So, heed carefully. Reflect on it. Dream on it. Meditate on the wisdom that I spout forth for you will become a much better person because of it. Your life will be a lot happier and much more fulfilling. You will be able to answer great cosmic questions such as “why are there sufferings in this world” or “why is the toilet always full whenever I needed it the most”. You might eventually be able to uncover the secrets of the very fabric of existence itself.

Okay. Those are probably way too much of a promise that is far beyond my ability to ever keep. You might not discover that you were Gandhi in the previous life, but just read anyway. Most likely it will give you a chuckle or two. And please don’t hesitate to leave your marks or your comments while you are at it.

So, stay tuned…

Blazing Redfish


Blogger Domain of the Blazing Redfish said...

I reserve the right for the very first comment on the very first entry of this blog.

5:38 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

adu mo matik, bahasa loe terlalu surit buat g cerna wakakakakak.. but im trying here *baca ulang*

10:34 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where are the wisdoms? Let it roll!!!

2:56 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wondering bfr you go to bed?? I wondered when I am in the bathroom... taking a long-ass shower. I wondered the time when my ex-gf and I showered together. And we teased each other in the bath room... aaaahhhh all those good times.....

Ok go back to the main topic.. a person without a dream is a almost a dead body. so keep wondering and meditating over it... meanwhile, let me be by your side and guide you through all the cruel times in life.


10:12 AM

Blogger Domain of the Blazing Redfish said...

Hmm, thank you for the generous offer, you-know-who. But are you a guy or a girl? Because if you are a guy, I am going to have to put a disclaimer on this site…

10:27 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

duh,,, mikirnya jauuuu amat... kubilai kan boo!!!!! hoho...

yup yup... punya mimpi mang penting banget... that's why we can survive 'till now... hehe

1:08 AM


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