"It is not how you pick your nose that counts, it is where you stick the booger"

Monday, October 02, 2006


In response to amorphiz’s previous comments about metrosexual men versus guys who do not bathe: guys and girls, what are your thoughts on metrosexual men? Metrosexuals dress and treat themselves better, thus also looking better than average guys. They usually are a lot more attractive to women. But I think women are attracted to them mostly NOT due to the fact that these guys simply look better. It of course helps somewhat to look better. But women don’t put as much emphasis on how guys look. It is more about how a guy makes a women feel.

Of course, having dragons’ breath and looking like unwashed cavemen can only hurt. But as long as guys meet a certain standard they will be fine, just don’t make your looks and personal hygiene hurt your chances. By not taking care of these, a lot of guys are sending all the wrong messages. And this is what turns women off. It says that they are slobs, they don’t have attention for details, they don’t care about themselves and their appearances, and that they lack class or culture.

I think women are more attracted towards metrosexuals because of all the underlying qualities that metrosexuals posses, rather than their looks. By being metrosexuals, these guys show to women that they are classier and more cultured. It shows that they posses the aesthetic sense of style. It shows that they do pay attention to details. It shows that they take care of their bodies and appearances, which suggests that they are more likely to take care of their women. It also means that they usually have more money to afford all the nice clothes and treatments. Being seen with guys who looks sharp and dress smart also elevates women’s status. And it helps a lot more if they guy is not gay.

What do you think ladies and gentlemen? Guys, would you be metrosexuals? Ladies, do you prefer metrosexual men?

Blazing Redfish


Anonymous Anonymous said...

In my opinion, a man is metrosexual one way or another. Some men don't care to dress nicely, some men don't dare to dress nicely. At the end of the day, dressing nicely and taking care of your skins go further than just being a pretty boy. It's about how you present yourself to the world. It's about you showing the world that you're ready to come whatever thrown at you. It's about showing the world that you care about yourself and you, indeed, take times to take care of yourself. I always wanna be more metrosexually... too bad money is an issue for now...

11:22 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

mnurut g sih find2 aja ada metrosexual guy, i mean mreka trea them self nice kan, mrawat diri ndiri jg perlu lho, bukan hanya cw. smua org perlu kyk gto, gak perlu liat gender. biasanya metrosexual guy gto disiplin lho, mreka work out, ke salon bnerin potongan rambut, maskeran, meni pedi, g gak kberatan soal itu, tp asal jgn berlebihan aja. sesuatu yg berlebihan kan gak baik. klo berlebihan malah berkesan gay wakakakaka...

1:59 PM

Blogger Domain of the Blazing Redfish said...

Does facial treatment (eg masker, etc) work for guys too? How do those work?

6:44 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The metrosexual is dead. Long live the supersexual!

The metrosexual is fussy like a woman. Icons of metrosexuality include submissive, sissy boys such as David Beckham, who speaks with a funny voice and who lets Victoria put her underwear on him and screw him up the arse with a strapon like a faggy bitch.

The supersexual is the very embodiment of masculinity, more primal than archaic gender roles, and more transcendent than the petty attempts of homosexuals and feminists to reshape us into a more compliant image of their choosing.

We are the uncontrollable forces of nature.

4:01 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


Err, no offence to any metrosexuals.

4:03 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


Behold, how the creator of the "Metrosexual" talks like a faggot. That is because, he is one.

That a homosexual should decide on the identity of men is an affront to common sense and decency.


Behold the last stand defence of the metrosexual, again fought by a vanguard of homosexual men and sissy boys.

These men have no clue, no idea of what it is, what it MEANS to be a man. And thus have reshaped the idea of masculinity into one that mimic their vacuous, confused lives.


4:11 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now behold the newest contender in the destiny of men, the "ubersexual"


See yet again the attempt to reshape and remould the man into something more compliant, and more agreeable, this time by the vanguard of consumerism: the advertising agency. It is no accident that the list of ubersexuals is dominated by celebrities with mass appeal.


Is it not ironic how men who are known to "not give a shit" about other people's opinions, are now being used as icons by other forces to influence the men who DO give a shit about other people's opinions, and popularity, and whose identity is malleable into whatever has the most popular appeal at any given time?

All men must understand that to these other forces the identity and concept of masculinity is nothing more than a game and a fad. But for you, it is your LIFE. It is your damn life. Understand that the concept of the metrosexual and ubersexual was not created to liberate you and empower you, but to limit you.

Renaissance Man, Sensitive New Age Guy, Metrosexual, Ubersexual. All are hollow concepts created to fill the void in our identity and worth following the heels of the destruction of traditional gender roles, the liberation of women, the continuing devaluation of men, and the loss of initiative and agency in the post-modernist deconstruction of everything that once was.

But behold, there is a true way. One hundred and forty years ago the messenger of my god uncovered the nature of good and evil and revealed the nature of not just human life, but of ALL LIFE. More than half a century before Maslow and Goldstein he first hinted at the idea of self-actualisation, and BECOMING EVERYTHING YOU CAN BE.

Modern man surrounds himself in the ILLUSION of the importance of his ideas, concepts, and beliefs. Most often, the man becomes an extension of only an idea, and he lives and dies by it, and his worth is judged based on the acceptability of his beliefs and convictions as well as his place within it.

That is why in various times in history the worth of a man has been judged by:
1. His willingness to run into SOVIET TANKS, burning buildings, and gangfights.
2. The degree to which he has embraced his "feminine side" (such as a craving for anal penetration, maybe).
3. His flawless complexion and immaculate sense of style.
4. His lifetime value as a consumer.

Insane diatribe to be continued later....

4:48 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


We apologise for the sudden interruption/ rancangan tergendala. The writer above has either suffered hypoglycemia from an over-active brain, or been assassinated by Kopassus.

4:51 PM

Blogger Domain of the Blazing Redfish said...


I lost you there. I think your the genius of your mind has crossed over from the realm of metrosexual to supersexual and now to supernatural...

9:07 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hhhmmmm.. i dont really care about metrosexual guys, as long as the man is clean n have a good appearance and manners, then it's ok .
no need to do the meni, pedi or facial, just gay would do all of those things. hahaha... like one of my teachers, he went to the saloon, do the meni n pedi n he is so proud about it. hhhiiyyyy... so scary....

10:34 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey! How about guys who are shaving armpit? I want to know how both men and women think about it. I did it once, and I think it pretty much banished all those stinky bacterias into their exiles.

10:36 AM

Blogger Domain of the Blazing Redfish said...

I did it once too... for a Chinese Haloween when I dressed as a prostitute... They said I looked hotter than any of the girls tho hehe... Once the hair started growing back it, it itches like hell... Swimmers have to do that too.

11:01 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I scissor trim my armpit hair. ^_^

3:16 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Been there and won't shave again; as the Redfish said it itches too much, you look like monyet gila in public when your only scratching your armpits. Heretic has the right idea, trim, do not shave.

2:32 AM

Blogger Domain of the Blazing Redfish said...

Been where mikey? in drags or shaving armpits? I cant imagine how you would look like in a drag... And I am sure all of us can't wait for you to post the pictures...
hahaha nice one on the monyet gila part

8:39 AM

Blogger Rebel Serpent said...

Make sure you scissor trim it instead of using electric clippers. A military style cut is not suitable on bodily hair like armpit or pubic hair.

I recommend scissor trimming because you may then texturise the hair for better aesthetic effects. When drunken chicks behold your well styled pubes or armpit hair they will think that they are really drunk and in wonderland and will thus really lose their inhibitions, because such things only exist in fantasy.

5:53 PM


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