"It is not how you pick your nose that counts, it is where you stick the booger"

Friday, October 06, 2006

The Truth about the Birds and the Bees (Part III)

This is going to be the last “heavy” post for a while. And this one is dedicated to Mr. Agedashi Dofu. Let us pray that he will get his internet access back soon so he can comment on this. Anyways, I would like to assert the definition of “shallow” that applies to men also applies to women. Feministas, feel free to send me hate mails. Women also have a blueprint that triggers their attraction mechanism, and when they see certain qualities dictated by the blueprint, they can’t help but feel attracted.

Evolutionarily, the REAL female’s attraction blueprint is not men’s good looks, rather it is: MONEY, POWER, and FAME(status). Men that display these will appear much more attractive to virtually all women. Again, there are exceptions to every rule, including this one. But ladies, if you insist that you are the exception and that you ABSOLUTELY don’t care about a man’s money-making potential in selecting a prospective mate, you might very well be right. But please consider that the good science of probability and statistics are working against you. There are too many present day examples to mention, of beautiful women marrying Mr. Money solely for his moolah alone. This is the reason (money, power, and fame) why almost all professional soccer players and other athletes always land supermodels. This also explains the current trend in which a lot of women in most Asian countries would confer an instant celebrity status to any average Joe “bule” or Caucasian males. There is a mistaken assumption that anything that is “bule” will guarantee provision of a great deal of money, power, and fame (status). Okay, maybe it does give status.

Let me graphically prove the validity of my assertion. Ladies, consider an investment banker from a top Wallstreet firm such as Goldman Sach, young and successful in his career, with an MBA from Harvard University, working a very very prestigious and coveted elite cream of the crop job while making more money than he has time to spend. Extremely impressive qualifications indeed. He oozes power, money, and fame (status). He can afford all the nice attires (expensive shirts, shoes, ties) that make him look much better than he really does. And you can bet that when you meet this guy, in your eyes he will look a lot better, a lot more intelligent, and a lot more confident than he really is. Such is the Halo effect.He can also afford to buy you most of any romantic gifts that you desire. Flowers? Romantic dinners overlooking the city at night? Shiny trinkets? After all, isn’t diamond the women’s best friend? He can afford to take you to romantic vacations anywhere in the world. Paris? Venice? He can also afford to give your sons and daughters a very good life, as well as the legacy to Harvard Business School (If you marry him your children will have a better chance of getting accepted to Harvard because their father is an alumnus). And most importantly, he will be able to afford the money to send your children there. All your neighbors and your friends during your college reunion will be very envious of you. Simply by being his mate, you can rub shoulders with the society’s elite and enjoy a very high and coveted status.

Now take a minute to imagine that you are going on a blind date with him tonight. But BEFORE meeting him and without assuming any prejudice that he is full of all the negative qualities you can think of, how many percent of the battle that he has already won? Fifty percent? Sixty? Be honest. And I still haven’t mentioned personality and character. Even the most idealistic and virtuous of all women will still feel growing attraction for this man based on his money, power, and fame (status) ALONE. Most women can’t help but feel instinctual attraction to men with these qualities. The same effect occurs if we substitute that guy with the son of a tycoon, with his father’s money, power and fame, managing multiple companies. Can you honestly say that all the things I mentioned about him do not count? If yes, then you are the exception. Okay, now back to reality and there’s probably no blind date tonight. But to a great majority of women, men with those qualities will trigger attraction in women the same way that a beautiful, sexy, supermodel triggers attraction in men.

Of course, having all the above qualities is by no means a guarantee that the guy above will win the war. Sure, he could have won 60% of the battle by having money, power, and fame alone, but he could lose 80% of it by lacking all the other positive human virtues. I am not I saying that the above-mentioned trinity of qualities are the ONLY qualities most women look for in a man (there are some women who only use this as the sole criteria). For most women, they are not. Neither is physical beauty the ONLY quality most men look for in women. But let’s admit that they do play a major role. Let’s not kid ourselves, we all love money, power and fame. Bottom line, any guys with these qualities can attract as many women as they like, anywhere in the world, building their steady supply of harem. But the good news is, just as men’s affinity towards beautiful women, women’s affinity towards these can also definitely be overcome by some other traits that men can develop. And I would even further argue that it is a LOT easier to overcome women’s affection towards money, power and fame than it is to overcome men’s affection towards physical beauty.

Moral of the story:
In the end, the issue is not to debate who is shallower between men and women or which one is the “holier” gender. Instead, we should all accept that both men and women have built-in tendencies to be attracted towards certain qualities. Both genders do not have the option not to be drawn to these, since this is already imprinted in us for thousands of years. It is only human to have these tendencies. And instead of pointing fingers (unless your fingers is pointed towards your nose for the purpose of harvesting) and fuel hatred between the two genders, it is a lot better to develop the qualities that we can develop in order to maximize all the potentials that we have. C’mon, we love each other.

Blazing Redfish


Blogger Domain of the Blazing Redfish said...

Now the above is coming from a female MD/PhD candidate from a respected medical school in the United States (a very prestigious and difficult spot to get). Just by default, she is waaaaaay in the top 1% of the WORLDWIDE female AND male population (and ESPECIALLY females) in terms of money, power and status. Therefore, by demographic alone, she could be an exception (and personality-wise, I know she could very well be one). What she said above only applies to a select few of females.

Worldwide (and even in the United States), MOST women do NOT make as much money as man, do NOT have as much fame and power. Worldwide statistics shows that female earn way less than men. Most top jobs such as senior management positions, investment banking and corporate lawyering are restrictive to females. Most women in the world (especially outside USA), to some extent depends their financial survival and the ability to enjoy nice things on their mates. Just as they did when we were still swinging on trees in the stone age. Evolutionarily, this has been ingrained in most modern female.

But I digress. Even then, what she said still validates my point. Having money, power and fame alone does not guarantee success with EVERY women (it does guarante to some). The purpose of the exercise is to show that women have pre-wired attraction mechanism for men with money, power and status. The guy mentioned above WILL generate attraction in great majority of women simply by his money, power and status ALONE, WITHOUT assuming negative or positive personality traits. And there are still very few women who are exceptions. The fact remains, however, as many would agree, the guy mentioned in the story can probably get most of the women he desires due to money, power and fame. After all, what do rockstars have that get them laid like "rockstars"? Some of them are just downright butt-ugly. The only downside of the investment banker in the story that i fail to mention is that he probably has to work 20 hours a day, so he has no time for romance hehe... but that's besides the point.

2:24 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What maunyink says make sense, so lets give women a big raise in salary, maybe then the not so rich guys (me) can have a fighting chance :P.

I guess, money really is power.

7:09 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahaha mikey... you sound so desperate... =D

Good point by blazing, women still earn less than men... but couldnt you have enough money? or is there never too much money? I guess it is also true that culturally men's supposed to be the breadwinner for the family. A lot (maybe most) women still want their men to be that, although their expectations are probably a lot less than when we were swinging on trees :)

I suppose money power and fame by default would give a guy the benefit of a doubt, that he's got great personality. But what happens after that depends on the lady, what she's looking for, right? If you're getting a cartier diamond-studded bracelet, who cares about personality????!! Money trumps personality, or personality trumps money.

For you guys it also depends what youre looking for, hm... if you're just looking to get laid like the rock star, i dont think that's so hard... go to house parties lah, plenty of drunk girls =P. How many times have ppl (you) woken up after a long night of drunken partying with a "downright butt-ugly" guy/girl next to them (you)? hehehe

I'm procrastinating, hence the posts.

8:25 PM

Blogger Domain of the Blazing Redfish said...

About personality issues, with money, power, and status, women will certainly be a LOT, LOT, LOT more "forgiving" to personality flaws...

8:58 PM

Blogger Rebel Serpent said...

I really love how brilliant men and women spend their entire lives working to define the current system down to a T, and debate its righteousness.

I would rather spend my life subverting and sabotaging the same system for my own gain and for my own justice, than live under the yoke of a system which is built on the concept of the expendability and disposability of my damn life.

9:01 PM

Blogger Domain of the Blazing Redfish said...

That is what lawyers do everyday dude. The need to know the given system first before they can mold it to their own benefit. You should be a lawyer instead.

9:05 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Which one of these men is more attractive?

1. A man who is trying to have glamour lifestyle, while this man actually not (or barely) able to afford the lifestyle.

2. Having a lot of money, but playing it down low, similar to the lifestyle that some of the bloggers' beloved president, Suharto, always recommend us to do.

I am trying to figure out which sense is "pre-wired" into women. Is it the expectation of a great lifestyle, or sense of security? Please don't tell me you want both... Everyone want both... even myself. So, just choose one between these two this time.

11:03 PM

Blogger Rebel Serpent said...

Awi, why would you want to render human choice and motives into such simple terms? Would a false dilemma really give you more understanding?

"That is what lawyers do everyday dude. The need to know the given system first before they can mold it to their own benefit. You should be a lawyer instead."

My law is my life.

4:03 AM

Blogger Domain of the Blazing Redfish said...

BTD, have you ever been arrested and cained?

If women knew both of the options completely, they would choose the second option obviously. I would too. And you would too. The second guy clearly have money while the first don't. It is not really a question. But if women dont know that first guy do not really have the dough, they would choose the first, since the second, if he has no game, would just be like an average schome.

Right, I love Mr. Soeharto. He is my childhood hero. I grew up wanting to be like him...

8:16 AM

Blogger Rebel Serpent said...

Blaing Redfish, have you ever been accused of thinking too much and not doing anything? :D

Suharto should eat dog shit during "buka puasa" and die.

3:40 PM

Blogger Rebel Serpent said...

The prophets of my god imparts words of wisdom to me, from time to time. Such as:

"Talk to the PUSSY, look at the face."

The problem with this whole thing, of women are attracted to power, men are attracted to looks, is that it tries to distil sexual attraction down to its most fundamental levels. What results is a logical error. What happens is that in trying to define the forest down to a T, is that you miss the forest for one tree. Myopia.

The idea that "women are attracted to power, wealth status" does not help a man to talk to the pussy while looking at her face. It doesn't teach him how to make her horny. It only teaches him how to be a prostitute seeker. It appears to give legitimacy to the life consuming work ethic enforced by East Asian culture. Likewise the idea that "men are attracted to beauty" does not help a woman make the best use of what she has to get her man. Some results of this are body dysmorphia and other neurosis, and an over-reliance on fate and chance to find love.

Ordinarily I wouldn't even bother to respond to posts like these. The things you wrote have been written more than a million times before, and all bear the signs of myopia. An inability to see into the distance and beyond their own condition. But you, WE, are different bro. By the fortune of our conception we are maturing at the start of a new millennium, at a time where the rate of social and educational mobility has been the greatest in all of human history. To shackle ourselves to the constraints of all that has come before would be an injustice to who we are.

We are the engine of change.

4:44 PM

Blogger Domain of the Blazing Redfish said...

BTD asks: "Blaing Redfish, have you ever been accused of thinking too much and not doing anything?"
Fair question. But most of us here would probably agree that you face a more pressing need to answer that question first.

People are ultimately attracted to power (higher value). That is the MOST basic fundemental basis of all PU theories in existence. You can either attempt to show higher value by: having money (most common), having fame/status (also common), by negging and DHV (Mystery), by CF (David D), by NOT DHV and making demands (Juggler), by telling stories and routines (RSD/Mystery) etc. The list goes on. These are all ways to communicate POWER (higher value). Having POWER (higher value) is what generates pure, most basic level of attraction. There is no way around this. It is the basic element, the building blocks. And clearly, as I say many times before, there are many ways to show this, besides having money and fame. What you are trying to say with "Talk to the PUSSY, look at the face" is that there are other ways to show that you have POWER (higher value) without relating to money and fame. And I completely agree.

"Likewise the idea that "men are attracted to beauty" does not help a woman make the best use of what she has to get her man". Does not matter how much personality a woman has, if she does not have beauty, you would not give her a second chance, would you? You would not give DDB looks to UG's. Nor would you open a set of one, unless its simply for crashing and burning (remember the "should i shave my goatee" UG's set).

Having money and status most likely would give men tremendous amount of irresistable confidence. There are so much nonsense about confidence from most self-help gurus out there. You cannot have confidence if you have no basis. Does not matter how special or how great you are, if you have nothing to show the world, people won't think you are special. They would see you as delusional rather than confident. You need basis for confidence. There are many basis for confidence. A great skill, a certain personality trait, an achievement, power, money, fame, etc. And certainly, having money, power, and status will solve MOST of people's "inner game" problems.

I realized that life is not only about PU. There are more to life. Money, Power, and status is not only good for getting women. There are much, much, greater use for these, such that would actually make the world a better place. You can improve the life of soo many more people with your money than with your strength. Money does not guarantee you happiness. But it sure helps A LOT in achieving it. In fact, these days, not having any is a GUARANTEE that you wont be happy. My focus has shifted. I want to achieve greatness.

I dont think Suharto can go "puasa" anymore.

11:51 PM

Blogger Domain of the Blazing Redfish said...

Finally, Mr. Dofu is BACK! Certainly thank you very much for your comment and I could not agree more with every single one of the things you say. Actually most of every single one because there are few parts of it which I had no experience with, so I am not qualified to agree or disagree.

Thanks for validating my point. Physical beauty will ALWAYS generate attraction in men, but it does not guarantee to win the war. However, every man have different standard “minimum requirement” for beauty. Once a women dips below this standard, no matter how shinning her personalities are, she will not win the war.

11:18 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

BTD, I bet you are still a virgin. :-)

2:44 PM


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