Men are like Wine, Women are like Krispy Kreme…
Instead of the popular Mars/Venus or the Spaghetti/Waffle point of view, here’s a fresh one. Men are like wine. They ripen with age. The older men get, the more mature (and less childish) they are. The wiser they get. The more charismatic they are. The less shallow they become. The more money they have. And the more impotent they become. These are all the important qualities that younger women want in their older men for marriage. Thus, just like wine, they become more expensive with age. But of course, even for wine, there exists a point where it becomes too old and not drinkable, thus have to be cast aside before it poisons anyone.

Women, on the other hand, are like bread. Breads are best eaten when they are just out of the baking oven, when they are still warm and soft. Think of how good freshly baked Krispy Kreme tastes (and even better when it is the free sample). But if you put them on the table for too long, they get cold and mold will start to grow. Suddenly no one wants to eat them anymore, and they have to suffer a massive pay cut just to be sold. When women are young, beautiful and healthy, they are very demanding and idealistic. They want the perfect men. Brilliant, handsome, caring, sensitive, nice, and loaded. Not willing to settle for less, they waited for the perfect men. No one came knocking. They waited some more. Still no one. They lower their standards, and still no one. Eventually, they became desperate. Their parents nag, nosy relatives keep asking questions. At this point, instead for the perfect men, they will settle for any guys who are currently employed.
Ah, such crude analogy, yet it strikes a deep chord within us because it is so true…
Blazing Redfish
This wisdom came up to me during my hyper-glycemic, sugar overload trance induced by an overdose of Krispy Kreme…
10:07 AM
Karma will haunt you back... hehahahahahahah becareful dude.... ;)
10:07 AM
The older men get, the more mature (and less childish) they are???
kata sapa... umur itu ga nentuin maturenya seseorang...
hmm.. cthnya ya.. ( beneran ini) A=co, ngajak nonton gt.. tapi...pas uda hari h.. yg b=ce, dateng pas2an.. ee... masa malah ditinggal masuk ke bioskop dl.. padahal flmnya blm mulai.. trus tiketnya malah dititipin ke tukang jaga pintu.. ck ck.. mature apanya tu gitu..
truss.. yg ce.. ko kesannya desperate bgt... abis ga laku.. uda gitu aja.. ckck... banyak ko cewe jaman skarang yg milih idup ndiri.. ga smpe se-desperate itu nungguin co...
10:29 PM
ow ya,, padahal yg A itu uda cukup umur, kerja uda ok, uda mapan, tapi 1 : masi childish..
10:32 PM
Hmm... That was a general rule that the older people get the more mature they are. But of course, there are exceptions to every rule. Generally, asians are shorter than caucasians. But how come Yao Ming is taller than any caucasian guys I know?
And also, the above post is partly was a joke, it was definitely exagerated hehe. But appreciate the comment.
10:42 PM
My female colleague says its a load of crap. Im quoting here "Intelligence, sense of humor, athletic body and stamina" is what today's career oriented women want (Such as myself).In reference to your comment about wine, my favorite wine Chilean Chardonnay is best drunk crisp, cool and within one year of bottling. You cannot generalise and the remark you made about women being like bread is very sexit and chauvanistic." End quote.
12:25 AM
She will also like to add start quote "Chilean Merlot is just as nice as a Chardonnay, just slightly sweeter" End quote
12:27 AM
In the world where information is the ultimate resource, everyone is free to have his/her own opinions...
8:01 AM
My oppinion is the same with kiss da rain.
Redfish said dat:
"The older men get, the more mature (and less childish) they are. The wiser they get. The more charismatic they are. The less shallow they become."
i have an experience to "know" a guy who is 30 something, but... my gudness he is so damn childish! he got money, but he is shallow! he thinks dat his principal is da best than everyone else, if i didnt agree with him, he got angry.
so, i think u cannot judge ppl by their age, u say if they're old means they're wise, na ah dude!
being old is a certain thing, but being mature is an option.
8:41 AM
I just want to clarify that these women were not referring to me with the above mentioned "somebody"...
9:21 AM
Blazing... why are you trying so hard to clarify that the 'somebody' is not you :) :)
My thinking would be:
You are right (vinna and kiss d rain)! Age does not guarantee maturity. But it guarantees an increased probability that a guy is mature. It works just like the women. There is more probability that a woman looks hot if she in in her 20s rather than her 40s.
I agree with blazing... There's always exception to every rule. But those exceptions can be ignored in comparison to a much larger pool.
1:21 AM
I know... I am trying even harder now. I am going to publish mathematical prove to show that it wasnt me hehe...
8:08 AM
Haha.. This is so interesting. You know what getting both bread and wine would solve the problem... am I right...
9:17 PM
i hate krispy kreme.
it's too overrated, and too SWEET.
1:31 PM
Ed, long time no see. You are getting both the wine and bread now? I seem to get the message that you are playing both side of the fence. Well, I suppose its a free world.
Krispy Kreme is truly the feast of the gods themselves. To take a bite into it as like biting on the softness, richness, and creamyness of cloud nine itself. It is truly the culmination of centuries of human's civilization. It is a gift from gods, which transcendent deliciousness can make us better people. To make disparaging remarks about it could invite the wrath of the divine beings...
Krispy Kreme should hire me as their spokesman.
3:28 PM
hmmm..artikel loe menarik juga..cuman yah kayaknya enga balance aja kalo wine dibanding krispy kreme...coba bandingin sama man-woman..mars-venus...hihi...
10:10 AM
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