"It is not how you pick your nose that counts, it is where you stick the booger"

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Pain and Suffering in This World: Examples from a Doctor’s Desk (Part I)

After a very long hiatus, here I am, back and kicking. Some people have been asking me about the blog – mostly due to no new entries. Well, here it is. This is a true story as it was told to me by the primary source.

Jakarta, 2004. You have just graduated from medical school. As you were driving home from the hospital (and of course, you were stuck in the traffic jam as well), you recounted the events of your first week of work. Within that week you realized just how lucky you are and everyone else you know. For however bad they think life dealt them, there are people out there who got it far worse. And you certainly encountered a lot of those people during this first week. However, there were several particular cases that week which were stuck in your mind as you were unable to shake the thoughts. At the government hospital where you worked, almost all of your patients were the economically underprivileged, or the poor – and uneducated.

You saw them as they entered the examination room during your first day. A very young couple with their first baby. About 5 months old. A classic Hydrocephalus case (a condition with fluid in the brain that causes the babies’ head to bloat – look at picture), you thought to yourself. It is a very common condition in a poor country. Despite your lack of experience, you noticed that this was a pretty severe one. “Doctor, please help, my baby is sick” the mother said to you. She looked worried. You took a look at the CAT scan result of their baby. Your heart skipped a beat. You took a second look, and it confirmed your diagnosis. You took a looked at the young couple. They looked back expectantly at you. You realized this was not an ordinary Hydrocephalus case. Mainly because you couldn’t locate the baby’s brain in the CAT scan photos. Somehow this one was so severe that essentially the baby’s brain was a liquefied mush (probably because the condition existed since the baby was in the womb), leaving only the medulla oblongata (the part of the brain that regulates vital non-voluntary bodily functions) intact.

“Will my baby be okay, doctor?” the father asked you. You could not bear to tell them what you saw. Medically speaking, the baby is alive. Since the medulla oblongata is intact, it will remain alive at least for a long time. But you also know having no brain would mean. Without the rest of the brain, can you really say that it is really alive? Sure, the baby can still eat, breathe, and poop (all involuntary reflexes). But it cannot process information. It cannot think; it cannot learn. It does not have a brain. Sure the ears can still hear sound and transmit the auditory stimuli. But without the brain to process the stimuli, can it really hear? It can’t. Without a brain, it does not have any feelings. The baby’s brain function is lower than that of the lowest of animals. Animals can still process information; they can be trained; they can feel fear. Without brain, this baby is, functionally, the same as a plant. It does not have a mind. It can only exist, without even knowing its existence.

Apparently the parents do not know this. You see in the mother’s eyes, a hope that you can cure her baby. But not even the most advanced of medical science can help. How can you tell the young couple that their baby is essentially a vegetable? How can you break the terrible news?

Can this baby be considered full and complete, as a human being? Christianity preaches that every human being is created in the image of the Creator. How about this baby? Because we are created in this image, every human being has a God-given conscience, or “natural inclinations towards the good” as the theologians like to call it. With it, every human being can tell between good and evil (even though I always argue it’s a product of cultural teachings). This baby certainly can’t do that. So was this baby created in His image? It does not even know it existed. Did God make a mistake when he created this baby in His image? Or is this baby just not a human being? Is it really alive? Does it have a full and complete soul? After all, it does not have a mind, and it does not know it even existed…Finally, how if you were this baby? How if it is your baby? Who can you blame?

To be Continued…


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gilak loe ya.. tulisan loe beyond.. slalu beyond dari apa yang g pikir loe akan tulis.
G gak pinter untuk jawab ini redfish, tapi ya mnurut g smua akibat itu pasti ada sebabnya. Loe gak bisa blame siapapun krn ini adalah suatu akibat yang disebabkan oleh banyak hal. Hal yang berhubungan dgn banyak orang dan banyak masalah. Bbrp hal aja yang g ambil dari sini misalnya: lack of knowledge, as u know bayi yang lahir cacat ato anak yang cacat itu biasanya terjadi pada orang yg kurang mampu, mreka tau apa sih soal periksa kandungan 4 dimensi? Mreka tau apa sih klo mreka harus minum obat ini obat itu buat jaga kandungan? Mreka emang tau klo gak bole makan makanan yg bisa membuat anak mreka lahir cacat?

Loe juga gak bisa blame God atas apa yang terjadi sama anak loe. Gak ada seorang pun yang berharap anaknya lahir cacat. Loe harus inget jg, God slalu kasi yang terbaik dalam hidup kita. Mungkin loe bner, mungkin God kasi kita free will, awal mula God rencanain hidup kita, Dia kasi segala sesuatu yang kita miliki dalam hidup kita baik itu sesuatu yang baik ataupun yang buruk, itu smua jg ada sebab dan loe harus percaya bahwa itu smua baik buat loe (yg buruk skalipun). Pelajaran2 hidup yang loe dapet bukan cm dari sesuatu yang baik tp juga yg buruk.

Klo itu terjadi sama g mungkin yg ptama akan g lakukan adalah nangis wakakakakka.. ya karena g sedih lar anak g kayak gto. Tapi stiap masalah pasti ada jalan kluar, even dia lbh rendah dari hewan skalipun, karena gak pny otak untuk mikir. Dia tetep manusia, u cannot and u have no rights to end his/her life. Mungkin dia akan jadi beban, sesuatu yang harus loe tanggung seumur hidup loe, mungkin itu part of your sin.

To be continued…

4:01 PM

Blogger aerha said...

some things are simply beyond our control. bener kata vinna, sapa sih orang yang mau bayinya lahir cacat, kita semua manusia yang menginginkan segalanya sempurna, sadar maupun tak sadar, tapi akankah keadaan selalu sempurna? tidak juga. but why? because maybe there are lessons to learn behind all situations, whether we like it or not, itu salib kita, bagian dr hidup kita lah ibaratnya yg harus dijalani. maybe to keep us being humble and more humane to others.

dunno ya blazing redfish, sometimes we just can't be way too hard on this life or life will be way harder on us.

4:34 PM

Blogger Domain of the Blazing Redfish said...

It is actually easier for us to say that everything has a cause or that god always wants the best, when it happens to others. When we cant see how these people suffer. But how when it happens to us? There are billions of people who suffer much more than we do. If we are enjoying life right now and they are suffering, when will our turn to suffer come?

There are causes for everything. But why is it relevant for the baby? Its parents are poor, so maybe they cant afford health care, etc. But it is not the baby's fault, neither is the parent's fault really...

6:58 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I like it. I am questioning the same thing too. My case was a scripture in the bible when Jesus healed a man who was bornt blind. Jesus said that this person was born blind so God's name could be glorified. It was true in his case cause he was in the bible and his blind allowed Jesus to cure him, thus God's name was glorified. But how many blind people are there in this world? They were born blind so God's name can be glorified?? We're not praising a selfish God who makes someone suffer just so His name could be lifted up, or are we? ;)

Somebody who knows the answer please enlighten me.

9:43 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well....it is a hard question.
But you know there is no justice in this world.
Some people born poor died poor and suffered in all his living days.
If God has mercy, there is no war, no hate, no pain, no hunger.
But how do you know that you love when you don´t know hate?
How do you that you are happy if you don´t know sad, anger and pain?
I don´t blame anyone for my bad luck.
I actually do not believe in God.
I believe in chance of changing my world with my own act.
I try to enjoy my life, make a better life and see the good side of it.

2:49 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

your entries always leave me speechless.. ^^" most of the time cause I really dont know what to response to it. Especially these entries with real life, difficult instances.

i mostly agree with other ppl's comments above. about how we really can't blame God. of course it's not the baby's fault, or the parents' fault either.

I guess it's so much easier for me to say, well, in life there are so many things that we can't understand or have the answers to. It sounds a bit ignorant I know. But.. or else I would soon be an extremely pessimistic cynic.

if it were me, like someone mentioned above, i would bawl my eyes out. cry cry cry and cry.
i might question God, why. Might hate Him, even. Hopefully for just a little while. cause I know in the end, I'll always need Him.

7:10 PM

Blogger Domain of the Blazing Redfish said...

Vaans, brilliant comment. You have critically asked a question that not many people have thought about. Certainly, if God is trying to teach us something, then why does He have to make others suffer while teaching the others?

11:24 PM

Blogger sereneannabelle said...

my goodness! i thought hydrocephalus would have caused a baby to die early. i feel like crying for this child for he is neither dead nor alive. just so sad. i've worked in hospitals and all i see are old people teetering on the edge of life, but what has the child done wrong to suffer such misfortune?? sigh..

10:40 AM


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