"It is not how you pick your nose that counts, it is where you stick the booger"

Monday, December 18, 2006

Pain and Suffering in This World: Examples from a Doctor’s Desk (Part II)

Your first day of work was hard for you. You never knew that being a doctor at a local government hospital puts you under many dilemmas and forces you to see various facets of human sufferings. You imagined what it would be like if you were working at an affluent private hospitals. Your dilemmas would most probably be limited to things like “Well, this bastard thinks he is so filthy rich that he treats everyone like a sack of potatoes. I really feel like kicking his ass. Should I go ahead and do it?” But your dilemmas are different.

All your patients are poor. How about a jamu seller (jamu is Indonesian herbal drink, supposedly to bring good health) who requires three strong doses of medications for Schizophrenia? She needed it for her husband, her first son, and her second son. To use a layman’s term, they were all crazy. Her husband and first son suffered from severe Schizophrenia. Her second son suffered a moderate one. They had to be locked up at home everyday. She had to walk many kilometers a day from morning till evening, carrying her jamu basket door to door to support her family. Her husband had fits of rage at random time during the day. He sometimes yells obscenity at night. Her first son sometimes chases his brother around the house. She was afraid that her neighbors were going to kick her and her family out of the neighborhood. Her youngest daughter, who is normal, was under tremendous stress because of this. She cried everyday. And this woman had to work from morning till evening to make ends meet. You imagined how difficult life is for them and the burden that she had to shoulder.

You realized that the Askes (a government subsidized health plan to help the poor; it is very, very limited) does not cover this much medication. You certainly cannot (legally) give her the amount of medication she requires. Even if you (illegally) provided her with the right dosage, it would mean that someone else (who are likely to be poor as well), would not get their required medication. She would have to pay a certain amount (and it was a lot for someone like her) to get the medication that she needed. You told her that. “But I only have this much with me right now. I really don’t have anymore” she said as she took out a piece of Rp.1,000 bill (less than USD 15 cents). “This is all I got. I need this to go home. Please, please, doctor, I really need these medications”. You wondered if that much is even enough for her fare back home. She proceeded to tell you that if she did not get the medications, she feared that her husband and son might act up and they would get kicked out of their house. She pleaded and pleaded. If you granted her wish, you would be taking another poor person’s share of medication. What should you do?

How about another one of your patients. A coconut picker who fell from the tree and suffered nerve damages. Now he walked with a limp and was always under terrible pain due to a pinched nerve. He definitely looked like he was in a lot of pain. He needed strong doses of pain killers everyday. Again, you would like to give him what he needed, but you can’t. The government health plan does not cover that much. Again, this man pleaded and pleaded. He said he really needed the medication. He said he could not take it anymore. You could not remember the last time you say a grown man cried like a little child in front of you. He was always in pain that he could not sleep. You imagined how you would live your life if you were under constant pain everyday that you could not do much.

You thought about the pain and suffering that these people had to go through. If God is a loving one, and is also the almighty one, why would the loving and almighty being let so much suffering to happen in the world? Why can He bear to see His creation that he loved suffer like that? Since God is almighty, He can create a world without suffering. Why is life so unfair, that there are people who had to suffer their entire life, from birth to death, while there are others who lived evil lives yet seemed to enjoy great wealth and happiness? Religions teach us about suffering. That desire is the cause of suffering, or that God is all knowing and His plan (and His intention) is the best for us. But can we really be content with such evasive explanations? That our limited minds cannot understand His plan; and that the world with this much suffering is the “ideal” plan He had for us? If He intends to teach us something, surely the Almighty can devise some plans without making people suffer tremendously just to teach others a lesson or two?

Blazing Redfish


Anonymous Anonymous said...

pada dasarnya smua orang di hidupnya itu harus belajar. harus belajar dan harus bisa memilih.

smua orang pny ukuran imannya sebrapa gede. masing2 orang pny cara utk ngatasin permasalahan hidupnya. i know how to deal my problem in my life and i believe u have your own too. so?? klo mo do good ya do good, bukan brati loe berbuat baik sama satu orang, trus brati loe harus bantu smua org yg ada di dunia dunk? klo misalnya di dunia pnduduknya 1,000,000 orang, trus orang miskinnya 700,000 trus brati loe harus bantu smua2nya? gak lar hen, karena apa? krn masing2 dari kita harus pinter liat situasi, kita juga harus kasi ksempatan buat orang lain, buat buktiin apa dia pny hati buat bantu ato gak.

nyambung gak g kali ini?

thanks for the column.

5:12 PM

Blogger tam2 said...

I ask myself similar questions every now and then. questions like, Why God let His children suffer, in war, poverty, sickness, etc? Why is someone; who is so devoted to Him; kind, pious, loving, have her whole brght future ahead of her, suddenly had to be diagnosed with cancer and eventually passed away after a year fighting through the disease while hanging tight to her faith in God?? Why does He let someone who loves Him so much die?
What about those people who love her? etc etc.

I still cant figure out the answers to such questions.. but questioning God doesnt help me solve the puzzle either. I guess I just have to believe that He has a plan for each and every one of us, as cliche as it might sound.
and maybe for now, I am content with that explanation. It's better for my simple mind.

8:56 PM

Blogger sereneannabelle said...

i guess it's only when it comes to times like this that God want us to surrender our lives to Him because only He can save us. We've seen how medical sciences have times and times again cured people but there are also times when patients who have no more chances left in life be healed. Those are miracles, and great testimonies of God's grace and mightiness.

it's heartbreaking to know that there's so much that we humans and the government can do for their people, but as long as we know that ultimately we can still rely on God we still have hope.

For all you know, physical sufferings may just be a test of our faiths.

10:49 AM


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